Tuesday 3 June 2014

4, June 2014

A balanced diet could prevent hearing loss

Every time you hit the dance floor to the sound of loud music, you may risk losing your capacity to hear. But those with a substandard diet could be more vulnerable. ‘People with healthy diets who eat adequate fruit and vegetables, have better hearing thresholds than people with a poor diet, according to large population databases,’ Colleen Le Prell, professor at Florida University, was quoted as saying. Studies on animals have shown that dietary supplements such as vitamins A, C, E and magnesium can prevent hearing loss by reducing inflammation and swelling and increasing the blood supply to the inner ear. 
Results are now expected next month of two recent clinical trials in humans that have studied whether dietary supplements and a new drug can protect hearing after exposure to a loud noise. This may mean we will be able to protect our ears by popping a vitamin pill before going out clubbing, The Guardian reported. However, experts warned that however effective a pill turns out to be, noise avoidance is the best strategy to prevent hearing loss.  

Contraceptive pills for males still a bit far away

‘The pill’ for men is still some distance away as hormonal male contraception via testosterone is unable to stop the production and/or the release of sperm due to specific problems with optimal dosing. Ilpo Huhtaniemi, Ph.D, and a researcher involved in the work from the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology at the Imperial College of London said that their research in mice explained why the efficiency of male hormonal contraception was not as effective as expected and it provided the clues on how to improve the method. Scientists found that that administering increasing doses of testosterone to infertile mutant mice did allow sexual function to return at a certain dosing threshold.
Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal said that since the pill was developed, they had been aiming for an equivalent for men and this report suggested that they may be finally reaching the end of administering testosterone for this purpose. The study was published in the FASEB Journal.  

The more you learn, the less you fear

 Julian Barnes

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