Monday 16 June 2014

17, June 2014

Six simple steps to healthy nails

A few magic ingredients from grandma's kitchen can give you strong, healthy and shiny nails!
Step 1- Chip your nails to the length you want.
Step 2- File your nails in one direction. Never file them in back and forth direction as it causes the nails to chip and break.
Step 3- Take a lemon, make a hole in it, put your finger in up-to the nail part and rotate the lemon.
Step 4- Slightly heat some coconut oil and massage your nails with it.
Step 5- Put a few drops of lemon onto your nails and rub them before wiping it off with a cotton swab.
Step 6- Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry.
The idea behind using lemon is, that it is high in Vitamin- C content which targets brittle nails, making them healthy and strong. Coconut oil nourishes and replenishes the lost moisture of your nails due to the damage done to them by nail polish, detergents and other chemicals.

'Smart cup' to check your calorie count
London:  What if a cup can keep tab of the calories that you consume and send you an alert when you have had enough alcohol?
That would sink a lot of your worries about weight gain and binge drinking as you would know exactly when to put the cup down.
A San Francisco-based company Mark One has developed a device that can accurately identify your drink, tell you how many calories you are consuming and alert you when it is time to drink again.
Called Vessyl, the "smart" cup can be asked to display a particular set of data to aid you achieve certain goals, such as losing weight or regulating caffeine.
Made of a glass-like material, the cup holds 385 ml of liquid.
When a beverage is poured in, text on the side reveals what drink is inside.
The sliding lid of the cup is spill proof and it has a non-stick interior, making it easy to clean according to the company.
The cup can measure the caffeine levels inside a drink that has been poured into it, in addition to the sugar, protein, calories and fat inside a drink.
By syncing with an app, it is then able to provide further statistics about what the user has been drinking throughout the day.
How it works exactly is being kept a closely-guarded secret by its makers.
It will begin shipping in early 2015, media reports said.


Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach
Anthony Robbins

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