Thursday 25 February 2021

February 26, 2021


Alcohol, cannabis can raise risk of premature heart disease in youngsters

Are you into smoking and drinking? you need to sit back and think over your habits. A new study has revealed that recreational drinking, smoking, and drug use are linked to premature heart disease in young people, particularly among younger women. The study which was published in the journal Heart has suggested that individuals who regularly are addicted to any of the above-listed drugs and substances are almost nine times as likely to be affected.


Speaking to the media, researcher Anthony Wayne Orr from Louisiana State University said, “The growing body of research on these issues suggest the need for a nationwide education campaign on the potential long-term damage being done to the cardiovascular system in patients with substance use disorders”.


Drugs Can Raise Risk Of Heart Disease Too!

The researcher pointed out that the use of cocaine and methamphetamine have been associated with faster cell aging and neurocognitive decline, with higher than average loss of grey matter. For the study, the team included 135,703 people with premature heart disease and 7,716 with extremely premature heart disease. They were compared with 111,245 people who did not have premature heart disease.

Tobacco, Cannabis And Heart Disease – What’s The Connection?

The team explored whether the recreational use of tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, and illicit drugs, such as amphetamine and cocaine, might be linked to prematurely and extremely prematurely furred up arteries.

Recreational use of any substance was independently associated with a higher likelihood of premature and extremely premature heart disease, the team found.


Who Are Most At Risk? Everything You Need To Know

After accounting for potentially influential factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, those who smoked tobacco were nearly twice as likely to have premature heart disease while those who drank recreationally were 50 per cent more likely to do so.

Cocaine users were almost 2.5 times as likely to have premature heart disease, while those who used amphetamines were nearly 3 times as likely to do so.

Cannabis users were more than 2.5 times as likely to have premature heart disease while those using other drugs were around 2.5 times as likely to do so.

The higher the number of substances used recreationally, the greater was the risk of premature heart disease, ranging from a doubling in risk with the use of 1 substance to 9-fold heightened risk for those using 4 or more, the team said.




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