Friday 16 March 2018

17 March, 2018

'Indians loosing sleep over technology'

Indians are missing a good sleep due to distractions by technology but would also not mind prioritising exercise over a deep slumber, shows a survey. According to a global survey by Philips, 32 percent Indian adults report technology as a major sleep distractor while 19 percent see overlapping of work hours with normal sleep time (shift work sleep disorder) as a key barrier to sleep.

It said 66 percent of Indians feel exercise is the top factor impacting health and well-being more than sleep. The survey noted that 45 prioritize Indians take up meditation to initiate and maintain good sleep while 24 percent adults opt for specialized bedding. The survey found that although sleep disorder awareness is rising globally, good sleep is still not a priority for Indians.
"Indians report technology as a major sleep distractor; prioritise exercise over sleep," the survey said.

Globally, insomnia afflicted 26 percent and snoring kept awake 21 percent of the respondents. Worrying (58 percent) and technology distractions (26 percent) were other major impediments to good sleep. Most popular interventions for a good sleep include soothing music, which was used by 36 percent, followed by the institution of a set bedtime/wake-up schedule by 32 percent, among others. The survey, which covers 15,000 adults from 13 countries, noted that globally 77 percent have tried to improve their sleep.

The countries include the US, UK, Germany, Poland, France, India, China, among others. Bad sleep is impacting global adults in form of tiredness (46 percent), irritable behaviour (41 percent), lack of motivation (39 percent) and lack of concentration (39 percent). "While sleeping well is essential for good health, more than 100 million people suffer from sleep apnea globally. More than 80 percent of these people remain undiagnosed and 30 percent finds it difficult to initiate and maintain sleep," said the survey 'Better Sleep, Better Health'.

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