Tuesday 2 June 2015

3 June, 2015

Stand for two hours daily in office

Workers must be on their feet for a minimum of two hours daily during office hours to avoid health risks, the first-ever British guidelines by Public Health England and a non-profit organisation Active Working CIC has revealed.

Eventually, the daily quota should be increased to four hours a day, breaking up prolonged periods of sitting with the use of sit-stand desks, standing-based work and regular walk-abouts, it added.

"For those working in offices, 65-75 percent of their working hours are spent sitting, of which more than 50 percent is accumulated in prolonged periods of sustained sitting," the authors said.

The first "behavioural" step could be simply to get people standing and moving more frequently as part of their working day.

This is likely to be more achievable than targeted exercise. They recommend two hours daily of standing and light activity (light walking) during working hours.

Regularly break up seated-based work with standing-based work, with the use of adjustable sit-stand desks/work stations. Alter your posture to alleviate possible muscle pain and fatigue as part of the adaptive process.

"Employers should also warn their staff about the potential dangers of too much time spent sitting down either at work or at home," the authors said.

Some companies have already invested time and money creating a more active working environment for their staff, but those that have not should evaluate how best to achieve the recommendations. This could include deciding when and how staff take breaks which involve standing and movement.

The guidance designed to curb the health risks of too much cumulative sitting time was published in the
 British Journal of Sports Medicine.


How to best control your anger

It's no secret that anger can really make or break your life. So if you think you have anger issues, here's how to control it.

You think your anger outbursts occurring far too often? If yes then you know it can be dangerous to your life and your health. It happens more than often that even after knowing its not good for you, people are not able to control their anger. So here are few things you can try to keep it under control.

Keep yourself engaged in something you like doing and make you feel worth it. Most of the times frustrations at work or under appreciation make one feel enraged. If you keep doing something that you are good at, that feeling of frustration will not creep up.

Humour is the best medicine, and it fits in all kinds of negative situations. So keep your mood upright and keep cracking jokes. Watch comedy films, read positive books and other mood lifters like music can help in anger management.

Always try to think from other person's point of view. Most of the times it happens with us that we have anger directed towards any one person and that just keeps building up. But others are not always wrong. Try to think from their point of view. And learn to forgive. It will help immensely.

And even if these try yourself remedies don't work, and your anger keeps building up then consult someone. Don't feel ashamed for consulting. There is nothing wrong with that. Anger issues are more common than you think.


Be grateful, not only for others, but for yourself

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