Sunday 23 November 2014

24, November 2014

New device that translates words into vibrations for the deaf

Washington, Nov 23: Scientists have created a new wearable device that translates spoken words into vibrations – helping hearing impaired people perceive speech in a completely new way.
The new device, known as the VEST (versatile extra-sensory transducer), can be worn on top of clothing or underneath.
The device depends on sensory substitution which involves feeding information from one sense into another.
‘At the end of the day, your sensory receptors are all sending electrical signals to the brain,’ Scott Novich, neuroscientist at the Baylor College of Medicine in the US, was quoted as saying in a LiveScience report.
A microphone on the vest captures sounds from the surroundings and feeds them into an Android tablet or smartphone. The smartphone then extracts the audio relevant to speech and converts it into unique patterns of vibration in about 24 sounds.
Novich and his colleague David Eagleman have tested the device on a handful of deaf and hearing volunteers. They compared two different algorithms for translating words into vibration. Both the deaf and hearing participants can learn to interpret spoken words as patterns of vibration on the skin.
The research was presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, DC, recently.


Revealed — why contact lenses cause discomfort among some users

Melbourne, Nov 23: If you are not comfortable wearing contact lenses, it could be due to degradation of the lipid layer in the eyes’ natural tear film, says a study. Patients with discomfort showed degradation of the lipid layer after a few hours of wearing contact lenses, the researchers found. The tear film is a three-layered ‘sandwich’ of fluids that nourishes and protects the eyes.
The lipid layer is the tear film’s outermost layer, which is composed of fat- and wax-like molecules called lipids. It performs an important barrier function in preventing evaporation of tears and maintaining stability of the tear film.
Discomfort is the primary reason why otherwise successful contact lens users do not wear contact lenses,’ said Anthony Adams, editor-in-chief of Optometry and Vision Science, the official journal of the American Academy of Optometry.
‘Our authors identified the changes in the lipid layer of the tear film in people who have discomfort wearing contact lenses,’ Adams added.
The researchers found that applying an eyelid spray appeared to reduce drying of the tear film and help make wearing contact lenses more comfortable. After the spray was used on the eyelids, the stability of the tear film increased significantly.
The study appeared in the journal Optometry and Vision Science.


We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools
Mahatma Gandhi

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