Tuesday 18 November 2014

19, November 2014

Lowering cholesterol with drugs good for heart: Study

Washington: A popular but controversial cholesterol drug called Ezetimibe has been found to lower the number of cardiovascular events by 6.4 percent when administered with another cholesterol drug, a new research says.
"The question that everyone had was, would this added lowering of LDL cholesterol translate into a real clinical benefit," said cardiologist Christopher Cannon from the Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US.
"The answer is yes," Cannon added.
The trial that Cannon presented at the American Heart Association's meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Monday had enrolled more than 18,000 patients and took nine years to complete.
Ezetimibe reduces cholesterol absorption by inhibiting the activity of a protein called NPC1L1, which transports free cholesterol into cells.

When combined with a statin, another cholesterol-lowering drug, Ezetimibe lowered cholesterol by an extra 20 percent compared to the statin alone, a report in the scientific journal Nature stated. In 2008, researchers found that the drug Ezetimibe had no impact on the thickness of artery walls in the neck and thigh - a measure of fatty plaque build-up.
This plaque build-up is thought to contribute to heart disease by restricting blood flow.
Hopes for Ezetimibe were bolstered last week when a genetic analysis of 7,364 people with heart disease and 14,728 controls found that people who had a rare mutation that inactivates the NPC1L1 protein had lower LDL cholesterol levels and a lower risk of coronary heart disease.
"The study affirms the central role of intensive LDL reduction in the prevention of recurrent cardiovascular events," said Neil Stone, a cardiologist at the Northwestern University in Chicago. But Stone warned that the trial was carried out in high-risk patients, a common practice used to boost the likelihood of cardiovascular events.
"The data does not speak of the use of Ezetimibe in patients with low risk," he added.

Night shift workers more prone to developing obesity: Study

New Delhi: A new study suggests that night shift workers may be more susceptible to developing obesity.
Researchers believe that disrupted circadian clocks are the reason that shift workers experience higher incidences of obesity and even diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetes.
The body's primary circadian clock, which regulates sleep and eating, is in the brain, but other body tissues also have circadian clocks, including liver, which regulates blood glucose levels. If circadian clocks are continuously disrupted, it may lead to obesity in shift workers.
The new study analysed 14 healthy adults over a six-day period.
For the first two days, the participants followed a normal schedule sleeping at night and staying awake during the day. They then transitioned to a three-day shift work schedule when their routines were reversed.
"When people are on a shift work-type schedule, their daily energy expenditure is reduced and unless they were to reduce their food intake, this by itself could lead to weight gain," said Kenneth Wright, director of University of Colorado Boulder`s Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory and senior author of the paper.
The reduction is probably linked to the mismatch between the person`s activities and their circadian clocks, said Wright. "Shift work goes against our fundamental biology," Wright, also an associate professor of integrative physiology, said in a statement.
"Shift work requires our biological day to occur at night and our biological night to occur during the day and that`s very difficult to achieve because the sun is such a powerful cue. We can have some change in our clock -- a couple of hours -- but then on days off, it goes right back. Shift workers never adapt."
The research team, however, was surprised to find that the study participants burned more fat when they slept during the day compared to when they slept at night.
The study is published in the US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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