Sunday 23 March 2014

24 March, 2014

Researchers create smartphone device that performs blood tests
Researchers have created a smartphone device that can perform blood tests - a creation they say could "improve the quality of life" for people undergoing treatment for the prevention of blood clots.
The formation of blood clots in the arteries and veins can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Individuals at high risk of blood clots are often treated with anticoagulants - drugs that thin the blood and prevent the clotting process.
However, anticoagulant therapy requires patients to undergo frequent monitoring of blood flow in the hospital. Furthermore, if a person takes the wrong dosage of anticoagulants, this can cause cardiovascular problems rather than help reduce them.
With this in mind, researchers from Qloudlab - a start-up company based in the microengineering laboratory of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland - have created a device that could allow patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy to self-monitor.
How does the device work?
The gadget consists of a small single-use film that is attached to the screen of a smartphone. The film is made of a microstructured plastic layer that is a few micrometers thick.
The creators say the smartphone device (pictured) could improve quality of life for patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy.
When blood enters the film through capillary action, it can detect a molecule present in blood that initiates coagulation - the process by which blood forms clots.
The phone is then able to interpret the results by analyzing interferences in the electric field on the surface of the smartphone's screen. This is a process similar to what happens when your finger comes into contact with the screen of a smartphone.
The results are then sent to a specific smartphone app, also created by Qloudlab.
This data can then be sent directly to a doctor, who can assess whether a patients' treatment needs to be modified.
Effective ways to reduce blood pressure

Blood Pressure (BP) refers to the pressure of blood as it flows through your body's arteries.

But when there is an exertion to pass through the vessels, the body's blood pressure is raised. BP is measured by two numbers — 120/80. The first number measures how effective your heart is at pumping blood around the arteries. The second measures how efficiently your heart relaxes between beats. Those who have blood pressure over 140/90 (or more), it increases their chances of different types of ailments like strokes, kidney failure and heart disease. Here's how you can lower the risks of high blood pressure...

- Reducing alcohol consumption is the most important thing to do if you want to get your BP under control. Whether you drink alcohol regularly or go on a binge drinking spree, the damage is immense. Limit consumption.

- Make sure your food is not very salty. Salt may add taste to your food but can also be detrimental to your blood pressure by causing fatty deposits to form in your arteries. Reduce salt in your diet and see the difference.

- Whether you want to lose weight or stay in shape, exercising is a must. Follow an exercise routine and stick to it. It will improve flexibility, stamina and keep you healthy.

- Increase your potassium intake because potassium helps balance the water in your body, besides controlling acidity. Potassium helps regulate blood flow through your arteries to feed muscles with oxygen. Foods like bananas, potatoes, cucumber, oranges, cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli are rich with potassium.

- If you're a smoker, you need to quit ASAP. Smoking is known for increasing BP because the tar and fumes damage blood cells and vessels.

- Make sure your diet has a fair amount fruits and vegetables in it. These are rich in nutrients, essential minerals and vitamins.


All you can do is the best you can do and the best has its own reward

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