Monday 14 October 2013

15 October, 2013

Is gum disease linked to heart disease?

Gum disease and heart disease are two separate health problems. But, are both these diseases linked? 

Though research is still on-going and the conclusion debatable, we attempt to find out more about this connection to the heart. We break it down further to understand periodontal and heart disease.

In past studies, patients suffering from cardiac diseases had a larger incidence of periodontal problems in comparison to the general population. Cardiac problems generally stem from the narrowing of the blood vessels supplying nutrition to the heart. This narrowing happens due to thickening and clumping on the inner walls of the vessels. It is also know that bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream through the gums. These bacteria have been found to be clumped on the cardiac vessel walls. A possible hypothesis is that these bacteria stick to these blood vessel adhesions and contribute to the blockage. Another possibility is that the body's natural inflammatory response to these bacteria.

There are other diseases linked to gum diseases:

1) Diabetes
2) Low birth weight
3) Stomach ulcers
4) Lung infections
5) Erectile dysfunction

But the study about the links between diseases and gum diseases is still in the nascent stage.

How to prevent gum problems:

- Brush your teeth twice a day - Floss your teeth - Go for dental check-ups regularly.


Balding, an indicator of heart disease?

Heart disease
As if losing your hair wasn't bad enough, follicle-challenged men are now said to be at significantly greater risk of heart disease. Men with baldness at the crown of their heads are a third more likely to develop coronary artery disease, with Japanese researchers suggesting that men who lost their hair earlier in life are at especially high risk. Research published in the British Medical Journal had a look at six studies involving 37,000 men to report these startling findings.
How to prevent it: The good news is risks of heart disease can be greatly reduced. Simple measures like making sure you get enough exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet will keep your heart in check. Avoid drinking and smoking, which are the key causes of heart disease.


It is not who is right, but what is right that is important
Thomas Henry Huxley

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