Wednesday 9 October 2013

10 October, 2013

Reasons to be grateful for little things

The big win isn't the end all of feeling good. It is the little victories that you accomplish on an every day basis that makes you happiest of all.

These victories (the ones that seem very insignificant) can actually make you very happy and can bring about a sense of completion and achievement.

It is believed that human beings respond very well to rewards. According to psychologists, this sense of reward corresponds with feelings ofhappiness
 and recognition. It is also believed that when people take time to notice things that go right, it means that they are getting a lot of small rewards throughout the day. And this feeling can help lift the mood.

Experts feel that it is very important to acknowledge the good. It is also known to be one of the great ways to become more positive in
 life. When little things show progress, that means it is on a journey to become better. This makes you more motivated to stay engaged and go through the day without feeling negative or going through moments ofcrisis. It makes one optimistic.

Some of the
 reasons cited by psychologists that make people feel better and more grateful are - being there for someone in times of need (the feeling of actually helping out someone), doing something that they have just thought of doing till date, achieving something small (could be winning a local match, performing well at your dance class, or a small pat on the back from your boss). These reasons go a long way in ensuring that you stay motivated throughout and work harder to bring a smile on someone's face.

Don’t ignore eye health, say Chennai doctors

We hit the gym every other day without fail, reduce the intake of sugar, oily food and follow all sorts of diet to maintain fitness, which is, for sure, a good thing.

But are we taking care of our eyes, which is said to be the window to our body? On World Sight Day, city ophthalmologists talk about common eye-related problems and how they can be prevented before further complications arise.

According to the doctors, Contact Lens-Induced Acute
 Red Eye (CLARE) is one of the most common concerns among city youngsters. They say that considering the humid climate and highly polluted air in the city, contact lenses shouldn't be worn more than eight hours. "One might be able to use it for longer hours in a place like the US, where the climate and pollution level are very different. But definitely not in Chennai," advises Dr Atheeshwardas, chief medical officer at a city hospital.

Doctors add that wearing contact lenses while swimming or
 surfing is another common mistake many youngsters commit. This practice causes acanthamoeba keratitis, a disease that affects the cornea of the eye. "Acanthamoeba can survive in the space between the lens and the eye," claims Dr Atheeshwardas.

While there are problems due to extensive usage of contact lenses, doctors say there is another category of youth, who neither use contact lens nor spectacles. Says Dr Radhimalar Anand, a paediatric ophthalmology consultant, "They avoid contact lenses after learning about the cons of using it extensively and shun glasses too, stating cosmetic reasons. And they end up straining their eyes, which leads to several eye-related complications."

Watching TV and using computers and tablets continuously these days take a toll on eye health too. "With each blink of the eyelid, tears are
 spread across the front surface of the eye. But when eyes are glued on to computer or television screen constantly, it reduces blink rate and results in dry eye due to insufficient tears to lubricate and nourish the eye," sums up Dr Radhimalar. She adds that sufficient rest for eyes at regular intervals is of utmost importance.

Meanwhile, medicos also assert that maintaining a healthy diet and regular check ups keep eye issues at bay. They say that, like many other diseases, eye problems are mainly caused due todiabetes,
 obesity, cholesterol and hypertension. "Therefore, have a lot of green leafy veggies, broccoli, papaya, fish and egg yolk. Antioxidant rich food is good for eyes," suggests Dr Atheeshwardas.


Ever tried, ever failed no matter. Try again, fail again and fail better
Samuel Beckett

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