Sunday 17 March 2013

18 March, 2013

Low protein diet may delay Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease is a common form of dementia and usually worsens as it progresses. There is no proper cure for this disease, but a recent American study says that - restricted protein diet may delay the process of Alzheimer's disease.
The above statement comes to the lime light after a test done on mice. It was noted that mice with many of the pathologies of Alzheimer's disease showed fewer signs of the disease when given a protein-restricted diet supplemented with specific amino acids every other week for four months. The mice were put on the new diet when they were at the advanced stages of the disease. With the new diet they showed improved cognitive abilities over their non-dieting mice. This was tested using mazes.

According to a recent study conducted by
Aging Cellast, with this diet fewer of their neurons contained abnormal levels of a damaged protein called "tau" which accumulates in the brain of Alzheimer's patients.

An upcoming study will be conducted by USCDavis School of Gerontology Professor Valter Longo wherein attempts will be done to determine whether humans respond similarly while simultaneously examining the effects of dietary restrictions on
cancer, diabetes and cardiac disease.

Symptoms of diabetes in women
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You may be wondering if it is possible for men and women to have different symptoms of diabetes. Apart from the known diabetes signs there are a few additional diabetes signs in women.

These diabetes signs are not commonly known and may be considered harmless, but don't be fooled; we draw the line between diabetes signs in women and men.

Symptoms of diabetes: Diabetes signs that are common to men and women:

- Increase in thirst
- Increase in appetite
- Frequent urination
- Tiredness
Weight loss and weight gain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dry mouth
- Vision loss
- Itchy skin
- Slow healing

Diabetes signs in women:

- Vaginal infection
- Yeast infection
- Affects hormonal functioning
- May develop polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Depression
- Higher levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol than men

Diabetes signs in women often go unnoticed and must not be misunderstood. A medical professional can pinpoint if these diabetes signs are curable conditions or the diabetes signs can actually lead to diabetes.


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