Sunday 21 September 2014

22, September 2014

Kind people appear to be more attractive

A new research has proposed that being nice and having a pleasant personality seems more attractive to other people.
The research conducted at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China divided 60 men and 60 women into three groups where each participant was asked to rate the attractiveness of 60 women’s faces on a scale of one to nine, the Daily Express reported.

After two weeks, the participants again rated the same faces but this time after being given positive, negative or no information about the women’s personality and the group who was not given any information gave the same ratings as the first time. The researchers concluded that positive personality characteristics could promote ‘facial attractiveness’.

Want to be successful? Make your work interesting

Anybody could set an ambitious goal or target for himself, but those who make interesting the activities they need to undertake to attain the goal have higher chances of success, a study suggests. The study examined the notion that your level of interest helps to simultaneously optimise your performance and the resources necessary to stay deeply engaged.
If people experience activities as both enjoyable and personally significant – two important components of interest – their chance of success increases, the findings showed. ‘Engaging in personally interesting activities not only improves performance, but also creates an energised experience that allows people to persist when persisting would otherwise cause them to burn out,’ said Paul O’Keefe from Stanford University in the US.

In the study, students worked on a set of word puzzles. They were asked to report how enjoyable they thought the task would be before they began working on it. Then they worked on the puzzles, which were described as either being personally valuable (value condition) or of neutral value (control condition).
Those who reported high anticipated enjoyment and attached the personally valuable condition to it performed the best. Reaching personal improvement goals requires building and sustaining new behaviour and attitudes, The Huffington Post reported citing the study.
Framing a new habit as exciting and valuable boosts your chances of success and shifts your focus from gratification someday to gratification right now. The extra excitement and enjoyment you create for yourself may prove to be the difference between real personal progress and wishful thinking.

The BIGGEST mistake by most HUMAN BEINGS: Listening HALF,UNDERSTANDING quarter, telling DOUBLE….

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