Wednesday 17 September 2014

18, September 2014

Supportive partner at home key to avoid job stress

Toronto: Do not just blame tough deadlines, demanding bosses or abusive colleagues for burnouts at work. Having an understanding partner at home is just as important as having a supportive boss for a satisfying work experience.
"It turns out that mental health in the workplace does not exist in a vacuum; it is deeply affected by the rest of a person's day-to-day life and vice versa," said Alain Marchand, a professor from the school of industrial relations at the University of Montreal. "To maintain a truly healthy workforce, we need to look outside the office or home in simple terms to combat mental health issues in the workplace," he added.
To reach this conclusion, the team from the University of Montreal and Concordia University surveyed 1,954 employees from 63 different organisations to measure factors like parental status, household income, social network, gender, age, physical health and levels of self-esteem.
They studied these elements alongside stressors typically seen in the workplace such as emotional exhaustion, poor use of skills, high psychological demands, job insecurity and lack of authority.
"The study shows that fewer mental health problems are experienced by those living with a partner, in households with young children, higher household incomes, less work-family conflicts and greater access to the support of a social network outside the workplace," Marchand explained.
Of course, factors within the workplace like supportive employees, job recognition and security are still important.
"But this is a call to action. Researchers need to expand their perspective so that they get a full picture of the complexity of factors that determine individuals' mental health at workplace," added senior author Steve Harvey, a professor of management and dean of Concordia University's John Molson School of Business.
The study appeared in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Even healthy people carry viruses in their bodies!

Washington: On an average, healthy individuals carry about five types of viruses in their bodies and the same viruses that make us sick can take up residence in and on the human body without provoking a sneeze, cough or other troublesome symptom, says a significant study.
"Lots of people have asked whether there is a viral counterpart (to bacterial flora) and we have not had a clear answer. But now we know there is a normal viral flora and it is rich and complex," said study co-author Gregory Storch from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis.
In 102 healthy young adults aged 18 to 40, researchers sampled five body habitats: nose, skin, mouth, stool and vagina. At least one virus was detected in 92 percent of the people sampled and some individuals harboured 10 to 15 viruses.
Analyzing the samples, scientists found seven families of viruses, including strains of the herpes virus that are not sexually transmitted. Strains of papillomavirus were found in about 75 percent of skin samples and 50 percent of samples from the nose.
Not surprisingly, the vagina was dominated by papillomaviruses with 38 percent of female subjects them. Some of the women harboured certain high-risk strains that increase the risk of cervical cancer.
Adenovirus, the virus that cause the common cold and pneumonia, also was common at many sites in the body. It is possible that some of the viruses the researchers uncovered were latent infections acquired years ago.
"But many viruses were found in body secretions where the presence of a virus is an indicator of an active infection. Dormant or latent viruses hide in cells, not in body fluids such as saliva or nasal secretions," added lead author Kristine M. Wylie, an instructor of paediatrics.
According to researchers, it is very important to know what viruses are present in a person without causing a problem and what viruses could be responsible for serious illnesses that need medical attention.
The study appeared online in the journal BioMed Central Biology.

Every living being has a strong desire to live and we must respect this in our thoughts and actions….

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