Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year resolutions for diabetic patients: How to improve your health in 2022


When we think about New Year’s resolutions, losing those extra pounds gained over the last year is the first thing everyone wants to reflect on. However, for people with diabetes, New Year’s resolutions can take on a different meaning. For them it is not just about a few extra pounds or trips to the gym, but getting glucose levels back to optimum range.

“In today’s day, with technology advancements and so many tools and resources available, one must leverage it to their usage. People with diabetes must make a promise to monitor their glucose levels, make lifestyle modifications and try their best to stick to goals. The less often one checks their blood glucose levels, the less information they have on how stress, diet and exercise affect the body. Therefore, monitoring is key, as actionable data helps make informed decisions. New wearable devices can drastically reduce the future cost and complications.”, says Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, Chairman & Managing Director, Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centres.

Below is a guide of how people with diabetes can set and tracking goals smartly, to ace their new year’s resolutions for 2022:

The first entry, getting fit

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes must workout atleast for 30 mins a day. Integrating cardiovascular conditioning and strength training into daily routine offers many significant benefits to health, including better glucose control and stronger bones and muscles. With many available fitness tools and apps, one can set and manage daily goals efficiently!

Have a (meal) plan for success

Starting a new eating plan in the new year is certainly on everyone’s minds! However, an important part of sticking to that plan is to have a strategy in place. The best way to ensure eating healthy is to plan and prepare meals in advance. Calendars and smartphone applications can also help in tracking the food and nutrients consumed through the day. Regular and timely meals help keep glucose levels stable, prevents from overeating, and helps make healthier choices.

Know thy numbers

Regularizing glucose levels by continuous glucose monitoring is one of the ways that you and doctors know that diabetes is being well managed. Wearable devices such as FreeStyle Libre, provide real-time glucose readings with a painless one-second sensor scan. With tech advancements today, these devices are water resistant and are active even when the wearer is asleep, thus providing effective monitoring.

 Learn to manage stress

 While we often think about the physical aspects of health, emotional health is equally important and connected to physical health. Stress can have a massive impact on health and wellbeing. This year, consider incorporating new habits that will reduce stress and increase happiness and overall life satisfaction. Something to keep in mind while making resolutions is prioritizing health above all else and cutting out stress.

 It is important to stick to a handful of resolutions instead of a list of countless goals. Adapt targets at a realistic pace so that each victory boosts confidence and carries you forward in managing diabetes.

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