Sunday 19 September 2021

Thyroid eye disease: What is it and what are the symptoms?


The thyroid is a butterfly gland located in the middle of the lower neck. Even though it is a small organ, it has many essential roles to play in our body. This gland produces three kinds of hormones that help to control growth, cell repair, and metabolism in our body. Any imbalance in the production of the hormones leads to tiredness, hair loss, weight gain, excessive cold and many other symptoms, together known as thyroid diseases.

In severe cases, thyroid diseases also lead to eye-related complications, where the immune system starts to attack the muscles and other tissues around the eye. It can lead to inflammation of the eyeballs, bulging sockets and in rare cases vision loss. This condition is referred to as Thyroid eye disease or Thyroid-associated orbitopathy.

What leads to Thyroid eye diseases?

Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune eye condition that is common in those suffering from thyroid diseases. This kind of eye infection is also seen in those suffering from conjunction with Graves' disease.

Thyroid related eye complication happens when our immune system, which protects us from germs and other pollutants mistakes the body's tissue in and around the eyes as a foreign invader. Soon after this, the immune system sends out antibodies that attack the fat and tissue in and around your eye.

Symptoms of Thyroid eye diseases

In this condition, your eyes may look bulge and your eye may seem swollen. If the condition is severe you may not be even able to close your eye completely. Some other symptoms may include:

1. Redness in the whites of your eyes

2. Irritation, like there’s dirt in your eye

3. Pain and pressure

4. Dry or watery eyes

5. Double vision

6. Light sensitivity


Diagnosis and Treatment

If you have thyroid disease, go for a regular eye check-up to rule out the possibility of any eye problems. If you begin to experience some eye pain or problem, consult your opthalmologist. Your healthcare provider may look out for swelling or eye tissue or tissue enlargement. Based on your condition, your doctor will prescribe your medication. In the case of mild damage, you would be prescribed lubricating eye drops and artificial tears. You would be asked to take some precautions like keeping your eyes protected from dust and bright light. Only a small percentage of people suffering from this condition have to undergo surgery.


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