Thursday 1 November 2018

2 November, 2018

Bigger brains could increase cancer risk, reveals study
Reportedly, a large brain means more brain cells, and if you have more cells, the more cell divisions that can go wrong and create mutations that lead to cancer. According to Even Hovig Fyllingen, a PhD candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), aggressive brain cancer is a rare type of cancer, but once you suffer from it, your chance of survival is relatively low. Many studies have shown that the size of different organs is a vital factor in developing cancer. Like, women with larger breasts have a greater risk of breast cancer. So, we want to examine if this was also the case for brain tumours.

Reportedly, the researchers used data from the Nord-Trondelag Health Study which has health data and blood samples collected in multiple waves of data. Fyllingen took the data on everyone who had been operated on for high-grade gliomas (brain tumours) between 2007 and 2015 and compared their data with healthy controls from that study.
Reportedly, the researchers used MRI scans to measure the size of the brain. The study revealed that more men than women develop brain tumours.

Reportedly, men have a larger brain than women because men’s bodies are generally larger. Reportedly, women with big brains have a greater risk of developing brain tumours in comparison to men with big brains, observed researchers.

According to the researchers, seventy per cent men than women develop brain tumours, but when we correct for head size, it’s no longer beneficial for female. Women with large brains are particularly susceptible. reportedly.


Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience
Paul Coelho

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