Sunday 8 July 2018

9 July, 2018

Your sunscreen can put you in danger
YOUR SUNSCREEN CAN PUT YOU IN DANGER: The use of sunscreen has risen over the past decades but some recent reports from the Environmental Working Group and Consumer Reports have warned people against its use.
TWO-WAY PROTECTION: There are two ways in which sunscreen can protect you. One is by forming a mineral barrier and with a chemical barrier. The mineral sunscreen is typically made of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which creates a barrier on the skin and thus bans the sun rays from harming you.
THE RESEARCH: The new research by Environmental Working Group, reveals that these chemicals used in sunscreen disrupt our hormones and interfere with thyroid and some other processes in the body.

DISRUPTS HORMONES: The chemicals like triclosan, parabens, oxybenzone and phthalates can also disrupt the hormonal balance in your body. The above ingredients are found in many commercially manufactured sunscreens.
INCREASE RISK OF BREAST CANCER: The chemical benzophenones can cause the same effect on your body as excess estrogen does. This can increase the risk of development of breast cancer in women.
EYE IRRITATION: If sunscreen goes into your eye, it can lead to irritation and pain. Some doctors even claim that a few chemicals in sunscreen can lead to blindness.
SKIN TUMOURS: Retinyl palmitate is used in sunscreen as it has an antioxidant and thus reduces ageing. But studies show that rats who were treated with this chemical showed a faster spread of a tumour and lesions on their skin.
CAN PROMOTE GROWTH OF CANCER CELLS: The damage caused by these chemicals can actually promote the growth of cancer cells in the body. The genetic mutation due to these chemicals can also lead to the development of cancer cells.

Always desire to learn something useful


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