Sunday 10 June 2018

11 June, 2018

How gender affects your health
Is your male friend any different than you? You will be surprised to know that apart from the reproductive organs, each tissue in a male and a female body is different. This difference wasn’t fully publicized until 1990, when the book 'The Female Heart: The Truth About Women & Coronary Artery Disease' explained how heart attack can be strikingly different in men and women.
We all know what a heart attack feels like; pain in the left arm along with discomfort in the chest. But more than half the women who have had a heart attack reported that they experienced no chest and arm pain. This is just one of the many conditions with a strong differences between male and female. Here are such other conditions that affect the two sexes in different ways.
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: Alzheimer’s is the premature deterioration of the brain that results in dementia. With more than 5 million people suffering from Alzheimer’s, women make up 64 percent of this figure. Also, the disease progresses more quickly in women as compared to men.
DEPRESSION: At some point in their life, 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men experience depression. More women attempt suicide than men but more men often die from the attempt. Feeling of worthlessness, guilt, sadness, loss of interest or hopelessness are some signs of depression.
STROKE: Men have a higher risk of stroke than women until the age of 85. Post 85, the risk increases for women. The outcome of a stroke may also differ in a man and a woman. Stroke in women often result in poor quality of life and are fatal.
Apart from the common symptoms that include numbness in face, legs and arms, women also experience symptoms like hiccups, chest pain, exhaustion and nausea.
MIGRAINE HEADACHES: Women once again win the race as the ratio of women and men getting a migraine headache is 3:1. Female hormones have a bigger role to play in migraine headaches and this can be one probable reason why the symptoms worsen around their periods. The different brain structures of men and women also play a major role in this. A female brain is more easily triggered to get migraine pain than a man's.

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