Tuesday 29 May 2018

30 May, 2018

What your clothes reveal about your personality
Are you an-always-black person or someone who loves all summery, bright colours? It shouldn't come as a surprise that your wardrobe says a lot about you. Your ambitions, your type of employment, your emotions and even your spending habits, what you wear says it all.
BRIGHT COLOURS: If you love wearing bright colours like yellow, orange and red, you are a trendsetter. Your personality is charming and you come across as approachable and friendly.
CLASSIC BLACK AND GREYS: If you're someone who loves wearing classic shades such as black, shades of grey and even navy blue, you are well groomed. You have a sharp personality and often come across as someone who is sophisticated, mannered and very well organized in life.
ABSTRACT PRINTS: If you love your dresses with prints such as numbers, chants, geometry, and tribal, there's one thing that's a given: you are bold. You speak your mind and don't like being told every little thing.
SLOGAN TEES: If you love dressing up in tees that give out a loud and clear message, you are probably not scared of voicing your opinion. This may particularly be true if the message is political in nature.
DRESSING IN LOOSE CLOTHES: A school of thought says that if you don't like wearing clothes that fit too tightly, you are more open minded than those who wear tight-fitting clothes. You are less conservative in your approach and often come across as one who possesses liberal thinking.
DRESSING IN TIGHT CLOTHES: If you are the one who like to wear snug fit clothes, you are likely to be conservative in your approach. You probably are narrow minded and stay within the socially defined norms.

The best relation is one, in which yesterday’s fight does not stop

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