Wednesday 22 November 2017

23 November, 2017

Can't do without an AC? Here's how it is hurting you
With indoor as well as the outdoor quality of air deteriorating, many experts suggest using air conditioner (AC) to keep the indoor air clean. This obviously requires you to keep your AC in a good condition. However, it may be harming you in other ways that you don't know.
ITCHY SKIN AND HAIR: Due to change in temperature, the moisture on our skin is ripped off leading to dry and itchy skin & hair. This is because we keep alternating between indoor and outdoor, and in the process, the difference in temperature affects our skin and hair cells.
DEHYDRATION: Air conditioning tends to suck humidity out of a room. In fact, excess air conditioning is a prime cause for dehydration.
PROLONGED COLD AND COUGH: If you are already prone to cold and cough, air conditioning can worsen it as the cool air can enter our system and not let these common issues heal.
LETHARGY: The age-old saying of getting fresh air is applicable here. Our body needs natural ventilation in order to have increased metabolism. With the artificial cooling of air, this does not happen. Therefore, a majority of people who stay in too much air conditioning through the day are lazy or lethargic when they step out of this setting.
DRY EYES: Dry and itchy eyes are another byproduct of staying in too much air conditioning. Constant exposure to computers and too much air conditioning can worsen this condition.
VIRAL INFECTIONS: Just like air conditioning can prolong an existing disease or condition, it can also play a key role in spreading viral infections. This is because too much air can dry our nasal passage and mucus membrane, letting in infections.
HEADACHES: If you keep suffering from a severe headache every day, your AC may be to blame. This is a consequent reaction to dehydration and no consumption of water at all.

Your ability to succeed, to fail, to win, to loose is just a matter of attitude

Scott Oteri

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