Friday 19 May 2017

20 May, 2017

Foods that can help you repel mosquitoes
The messengers of summer - mosquitoes - are here already. The annoyance doesn't end with their buzzing, whining, biting and itching. Recent stats show the number of cases of Chikungunya and Denguegoing much higher, causing much anguish among people. When indoors, we have ways to control mosquitoes around us but what about when we are outdoors? One with a humanitarian bent of mind might even think before hitting them down. So, the best way out - eat what would repel these pesky flies naturally.
There are foods the smell of which mosquitoes repel naturally. If you eat them more during summer, chances are you will turn into a mosquito repellent yourself. Include the following in your diet to do so.
Garlic, Onions
Much infamous for repelling mosquitoes, garlic and onions make you release a compound called allicin when consumed. Other members of this plant family, such as shallots and chives, also function the same way. Consume them raw or add them to your dishes.
Chilli Peppers
If you love chilli, here's your bonus: They repel mosquitoes. They contain capsaicin, a heat-producing compound that helps repel mosquitoes. Add them to your favourites and you are good to go.
This one contains an oil called citronella, a popular bug repellent. You can consume it in your Thai recipes or in soups and curries.
Beans, Lentils, Tomatoes
These three are grouped together because they all contain thiamine, a component that makes you release a bug-repelling smell. Flavor your food with tomatoes and have beans and lentils as sides or as entrees.

Being angry, anxious, defeated and depressed are not God's plans for us

Robert E. Baines

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