Friday 3 February 2017

4 February, 2017

Doing these three simple things daily will help you live longer

We all know that following a healthy lifestyle – healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, stress management - can promote longevity. But there are some healthy habits that are easy and fun to adopt while also giving benefits to your health. So, don't try to overlook these healthy habits, which can be easily incorporated in your daily routine to help you live a long life:
Smile a little more
Studies suggest smiling can extend a person's lifespan. Studies have shown that smiling releases happy hormones endorphins and serotonin - which will naturally help to reduce inflammation and pain. Smiling is also considered to be a powerful immune booster.
Take time for yourself
Take a moment to fully connect with yourself by attentively going through many emotions cruising through your brain. This will help ease tensions, slow your heart rate and help you focus better – which are all beneficial for a healthy living.
Spend time with nature
Spend time with nature to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and improve mental health. A number of studies have shown that walks in nature may help in treating mental conditions, ranging from depression, schizophrenia, etc.

There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind

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