Tuesday 15 November 2016

16 November, 2016

Diabetes can affect your skin too!
Diabetes is a very common problem these days.

Though people think excessive intake of sugar and sweetened food lead to diabetes, the reality is our unbalanced lifestyle also play a significant role in contributing to the condition of diabetes. Many of us are not even aware that apart from affecting our body, diabetes can play havoc on our skin.
Some common skin infections due to diabetes are fungal infection, itching, vitiligo, blisters, Digital Sclerosis, foot ulcer and others.
Fungal Infection: 'Candida albicans' is a painful fungal infection commonly found in diabetic people. The infection causes red rashes on the skin and leads to itching and pain. Jock itch is another fungal infection amongst the diabetic patients.

Itching: Itching seems to be a common problem; however, it can be severe and problematic. Itching in the lower part of the legs and feet is common among diabetic patients.

Vitiligo: Experts suggest that vitiligo is also caused due to Type 1 Diabetes. The cells responsible for the brown pigment on the skin get damaged in Vitiligo which leads to white patches on the chest, face, and hands etc.

Blisters: Blisters are common among diabetic people and appear on the hands, legs and the backside of the fingers. The good thing is that they are painless.

Foot Ulcer: In the extreme stages of diabetes, a special nerve gets damaged due to which the person doesn't feel any sensation in the foot. Even a little scratch on the foot takes the form of a sore and may take weeks to heal.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do

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