Thursday 8 October 2015

9 October, 2015

What’s your brain type? Take this quiz

Take the quiz to find out

1. Your friends would be most likely to vote you...
a) The most famous person at work
b) Someone who isn't that social

2. In the morning, you get dressed according to...
a) Whatever comes to your mind
b) As planned the previous night

3. If you had to work on two projects at the same time, would you proceed by...
a) Finishing one and moving on to the next
b) Simultaneously working on both

4. You just won a free one week vacation to a beach. Would you
a) Take your parents along
b) Take your friends/boyfriend/girlfriend along

5. If you watched a sad movie you would...
a) Cry a little
b) Control your emotions, lest you are tagged as an emotional person

6. When arguing with or persuading with your parent/spouse or friends, do you...
a) Use drama and imagination
b) Use facts and data

Mostly As
You are a left brain dominant person: You like order in your life. You are comfortable with listening to others and taking tests in life. You get easily bogged down with things that are disorganised. You are good at analysing problems to find the right answer. You are practical and logical and you cannot be easily swayed by emotions.

Mostly Bs
You are a right brain dominant person: You may find yourself in a difficulty when you have to make up your mind about something. Though you are good with people, you are quite vulnerable too. You seem dreamy and lost in thought. People may find you impractical at times. You like to write fiction, draw or play music. You are spontaneous and fun and find it hard to follow verbal directions. You may be interested in the 'unexplained' and are quite emotional.


Faith works together with the star of hope

Edward Kofi Louis

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