Monday 6 July 2015

7 July, 2015

Pains you should not ignore!

"Let me give it one more day, I am sure this pain will just go away." If this is you when you witness any kind of discomfort or pain in your body, then it's probably time you paid heed to your body's signals.

Serious or minor, the gravity of the body pain can be detected only if you get it checked by a specialist. Here are some of the top pains you should not ignore as they might need grave medical attention.

Pain in the chest
This could potentially be a warning sign for a heart attack or other serious cardiovascular ailments. The other possible causes of chest pain are digestion problems, gas problems, stress, cold, fever and body ache. Though these may sound like minor health conditions which we often tend to suffer from, pain in the chest should not be ignored in any way. Please note that along with chest pain, if you suffer from throat, jaw, upper chest or left shoulder pain, then you should visit a cardiologist immediately as they are symptoms of a heart attack.

Wife's nagging, husband's laziness or your kid's incessant demands for the xbox, there are endless reasons why you might suffer from headaches, but do you know that frequent headaches can be a cause of brain tumor or brain hemorrhage? It is best to visit your doctor if you tend to suffer from sudden and extremely painful outbursts of headache.

Pain in the lower back
Pain in lower back can occur due to various factors such as stress, high manual labour jobs or abdominal problems. But how many of you know that pain in the lower back can also mean aortic dissection and problem in the vessel wall, which can lead to a silent heart attack? Not many, we think! People with high blood pressure, smokers, diabetic patients and people with a history of circulation problems should not take lower back problems lightly.

Pain in the abdomen
Severe pain in the abdomen can be a sign of appendix. No, we don't mean to say that every time you suffer from a stomach ache you should panic but if the problem occurs too often it can be because you have stomach ulcers, intestinal blockages or pancreas problems.

Burning sensation in the legs or feet
Now, something as minor as this can be because of nasty mosquito bites in the monsoon season, but according to the American Diabetes Association this can be an initial sign of peripheral neuropathy. It is linked to nerve damage if the burning sensation in the legs or feet occurs too frequently or often.


Multiple antibiotic courses HARMFUL to children

Multiple courses of commonly used antibiotics may have a significant impact on children's development, shows a study.

The study found that female mice treated with two classes of widely used childhood antibiotics gained more weight and developed larger bones than untreated mice.

However, at the same time both of the antibiotics also disrupted the gut microbiome, the trillions of microbes that inhabit the intestinal tract.

For the study, the mice were given three short courses of amoxicillin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic), tylosin or a mixture of both drugs.

"The number of courses of antibiotics matters. We get a little interruption of the maturation process after the second course of antibiotics, and then we have even more interruption after three courses," said lead co-author Laura M. Cox from the department of medicine at NYU School of Medicine.

Short, high-dose pulses of tylosin had the most pronounced and long-lasting effect on weight gain, while amoxicillin had the biggest effect on bone growth--a prerequisite for increased height.

The drugs altered not only the bacterial species, but also the relative numbers of microbial genes linked to specific metabolic functions.

Antibiotic-exposed microbiomes may be less adaptable to environmental changes, said the study.

The more pronounced effects of tylosin on weight gain and microbiome disruption are especially worrisome, given the increasing popularity of macrolide antibiotic prescriptions for children.

The accumulating evidence highlights the need for better awareness of the potential downsides of antibiotic overuse, the authors said.

The study appeared online in Nature Communications.


Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards

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