Friday 17 April 2015

18 April, 2015

Dead Man Comes Back to Life in Turkey After Being Dunked into Ice Bath by Doctors

Bulent Sonmez (40) from Ankara, Turkey, had gone to hospital complaining of pain in his arm and suddenly collapsed with a heart attack. Doctors quickly attended to him but his heart stopped.

Doctors decided to use a controversial therapeutic hypothermia treatment to lower his body temperature and immersed him in ice bath to limit the effects of a lack of oxygen on the organs. The 40-year-old was in ice bath as his body slowly reduced in temperature to 30C.

Doctors then restarted his heart and spent 24 hours maintaining his heart rate and returning his body temperature to normal. 
Despite its success, the 40-year-old could only remember around half his life and had no recollection of his wife and children. He was said to have woken up believing he was 20 years old. 

Bulent's wife Sibel Sonmez (39), said, "It was like a movie, I didn't know how to explain the two children we had waiting at home. I tried to resolve it by showing him photographs, but it took a very long time to be able to convince him." 

Dr Omer Zuhtu, said, "We did not find much literature looking in detail at the side effects of therapeutic hypothermia treatment. It remains a controversial procedure but we believe in this case it certainly saved this man's life." 

Even Your Sweat Produced Under Happy Mood can Bring Happiness to Others Near You

Do you know why people around you feel happy when you are in jolly mood? The answer lies in your sweat. When happy, our bodies produce chemical signals that are detectable by others who smell our sweat and instantly share our happiness, researchers report.

While previous research has shown that negative emotions related to fear and disgust are communicated via chemical composition of sweat, a few studies have examined whether the same communicative function holds for positive emotions. "The findings show that being exposed to sweat produced under happiness induces a simulacrum of happiness in receivers, and induces a contagion of the emotional state," explained psychological scientist Gun Semin of the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. 

It means that somebody who is happy will infuse others in their vicinity with happiness. "In a way, happiness sweat is somewhat like smiling - it is infectious," he added. The research indicates that we produce chemical compounds, or chemosignals, when we experience happiness that are detectable by others who smell our sweat.  To reach this conclusion, Semin and colleagues examined whether sweat taken from people in a happy state would influence the behavior, perception and emotional state of people exposed to the sweat. 

The researchers recruited 12 males who were prohibited from alcohol use, sexual activity, and consumption of smelly food or excessive exercise during the study. The sweat donors came to the lab, rinsed and dried their armpits, and had absorbent pads attached to each armpit. They watched a video clip intended to induce a particular emotional state (fear, happiness, neutral). The sweat pads were then removed and stored in vials. 

For the second part of the study, the team recruited 36 women as women generally have both a better sense of smell and a greater sensitivity to emotional signals than men do. The women were exposed to a sweat sample of each type (fear, happiness, neutral), with a five-minute break in between samples. 

Initial analyses confirmed that the videos did influence the emotional states of the male participants. But were these emotions conveyed to the female participants? The results suggest the answer is "yes". 

Facial expression data revealed that women who were exposed to "fear sweat" showed greater activity in the medial frontalis muscle, a common feature of fear expressions. "Women who were exposed to 'happy sweat' showed more facial muscle activity indicative of a Duchenne smile, a common component of happiness expressions," the authors noted. "Happiness may be communicated chemically could be of particular interest to the 'odor industry'," Semin concluded. 

The study was published in the journal Psychological Science. 

When you talk, you are repeating what you know. But if you listen, you may learn new


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