Wednesday 16 July 2014

17, July 2014

Why dark chocolate is beneficial to health

Researchers have claimed to have solved the mystery behind the health benefits of dark chocolate.

The researchers have said that certain bacteria in the stomach gobble the chocolate and ferment it into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for the heart.

The team tested three cocoa powders using a model digestive tract, comprised of a series of modified test tubes, to simulate normal digestion. They then subjected the non-digestible materials to anaerobic fermentation using human fecal bacteria, according to Finley.

John Finley, Ph.D., who led the work, explained that cocoa powder, an ingredient in chocolate, contains several polyphenolic, or antioxidant, compounds such as catechin and epicatechin, and a small amount of dietary fiber.

He said that both components are poorly digested and absorbed, but when they reach the colon, the desirable microbes take over, asserting that in their study they found that the fiber is fermented and the large polyphenolic polymers are metabolized to smaller molecules, which are more easily absorbed. These smaller polymers exhibit anti-inflammatory activity.

Finley also noted that combining the fiber in cocoa with prebiotics is likely to improve a person's overall health and help convert polyphenolics in the stomach into anti-inflammatory compounds.

He said that when they ingest prebiotics, the beneficial gut microbial population increases and outcompetes any undesirable microbes in the gut, like those that cause stomach problems.


Why you feel sleepy at work

Do you find yourself dozing off in office? You are not alone, says a new study. Here's how to tackle sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep is so common in the white-collar world today that it is visibly affecting their performance at work. If you often find yourself nodding off in meetings, you have the company of lakhs of corporate employees whose sleep deprivation is upsetting their productive waking hours.

An employee-based health institute in the US recently conducted a study of 1,139 employees from three companies. Lead researcher, Jennifer Turgiss, found that 15% of them doze off on the job at least once a week! Four key factors were preventing them from getting restful sleep — worry or stress, mental activity, physical discomfort, and environmental disruptors.

Another report by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) declared in the past that 29% of respondents fell asleep or became very sleepy at work, while 36% had fallen asleep or nodded off while driving.

There are several dangers of sleep deprivation. After a restless night of twisting and turning in bed, you will turn up groggy-eyed. You won't be as sharp or productive as usual. Even five days of insufficient sleep can reduce energy metabolism and dietary restraint, particularly in women. A weak immune system, more risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity are the other adverse effects of not getting enough quality sleep.

Turgiss found that the resultant tiredness reduced one's ability to manage stressful situations. This leads to various workplace problems: decreased decision-making abilities, lack of concentration, a decrease in cognitive function, irritability and less patience with colleagues, to name a few.

What to do
- Exercise regularly and go for brisk walks in a park.
- Take short breaks every couple of hours. During this break, take a walk around the office premises to refresh your mind.
- A healthy diet will increase your energy levels.
- Dim the bedroom lights before retiring for the night.
- Include foods with Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. A recent study conducted in the UK found
that people with higher Omega-3 had better sleeping patterns.

What not to do
- Avoid too much caffeine or sugar.
- Don't watch television or browse the internet on your laptop or mobile phone before bedtime.
- Don't use the same bedsheets for more than a week.
- Avoid late night workouts.
Source:                      17.07.2014

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