Sunday 16 February 2014

17 February, 2014

Coriander has multiple health benefits

Coriander or cilantro is a wonderful source of dietary fiber, manganese, iron and magnesium as well. 

In addition,
 coriander leaves are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K and protein. They also contain small amounts of calcium, phosphorous, potassium, thiamin, niacin and carotene. Here go some of the health benefits of coriander leaves:

1. Coriander lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

2. A very good food for digestive system, coriander promotes liver functions and bowel movements.

3. Coriander is good for diabetes patients. It can stimulate the insulin secretion and lower the blood sugar levels.

4. Vitamin K in it is good for the treatment of
 Alzheimer's disease.

5. The fat soluble vitamin and antioxidant- Vitamin A, protects from lung and cavity cancers.

6. Coriander contains anti-inflammatory properties. This is why it is good against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

7. Coriander's anti-septic properties help to cure mouth ulcer.

8. Coriander is good for the eyes. Antioxidants in coriander prevent eye diseases. It's a good remedy in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

9. Coriander seeds are especially good for the menstrual flow.

10. It's a very good herb to promote the nervous system. It can stimulate the memory.

11. Coriander helps those suffering from
 anaemia. Coriander contains high amounts of iron, which is essential for curing anemia.


Common cold in pregnancy ups asthma risk in kids

A new study has revealed that the more common colds and viral infections a woman has during pregnancy, the higher the risk her baby will have asthma. 

The study found that a mother's infections and bacterial exposure during pregnancy affect the in utero environment, thus increasing a baby's risk of developing allergy and
 asthma in childhood. "In addition, these same children that had early exposure to allergens, such as house dust and pet dander, had increased odds of becoming sensitized by age five," allergist Mitch Grayson, MD, Annals deputy editor and fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) said.

"When dust mites from the mother and child's mattresses were examined, children with high dust mite exposure yet low bacteria exposure were more likely to be allergic to dust mites than those with low mite exposure and high bacteria contact," the researcher added. The study was published in the journal
 Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.


Apology doesn’t mean that you were wrong or the other person was right. It means that your relationship is valuable than your ego

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