Saturday 17 August 2013

18 August, 2013

Weight loss surgery reverses fatty liver disease symptoms

Researchers have found that weight loss surgerycan reverse the symptoms of fatty liver disease.

Earlier research has found that the surgery not only benefits obese people to shed their extra pounds, it also causes early remission of type 2 diabetes.

The findings are derived from research on liver samples in normal and obese patients—some with fatty liver disease and some without fatty liver disease.

The results provide another example of the DNA-altering effects of weight loss surgery.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)—which includes a spectrum of liver disorders in people with
 obesity and type 2 diabetes—is the most common chronic liver disorder in industrialized countries. NAFLD has emerged as one of the dominant types of liver disease worldwide and effects one in three Americans.

In an experimental tour de force, researchers analyzed liver samples from 27 obese individuals with different stages of NAFLD, 18 healthy obese individuals without liver disease, and 18 normal-weight individuals without liver disease. Methylation—a chemical modification on DNA that regulates gene expression—was altered on various genes in
 patients with NAFLD.

The expression levels of nine of these genes—which code for key enzymes involved in
 metabolismand insulin signaling—were also different from those seen in healthy individuals.

Furthermore, binding sites for proteins that affect gene expression were enriched in the liver disease patients' genes.

Dr. Joseph Hampe and his colleagues also found that when they compared patients' liver biopsies before and after weight loss surgery, the NAFLD-associated methylation changes were partially reversible. The findings demonstrate that weight loss surgery changes the chemical properties of DNA, thereby affecting gene expression.

The findings are published online in the
 Cell Press journal Cell Metabolism.
Urology: What is diuretic?

Today, we look at the foods that cause urine production with the help of nutritionist, Neelanjana Singh from Heinz Nutri Life Clinic in New Delhi. She warns that diuretics without medical consultation can have negative effects on a person's health.


Urology: What is a diuretic?

 diuretic is any substance that promotes the production of urine.' (As mentioned inWikipedia/Diuretic)

In simple words, certain foods increase within us the urge to urinate causing a build up of urine in the bladder. Some individuals consume diuretic pills and
 food to lose weight, but diuretic pills are also consumed to treat high blood pressure.

Expert speak on diuretic:

In reference to consuming diuretic food, Neelanjana states, "My take on diuretic foods is different from what is generally quoted. We normally eat food that have a high water content, because of its benefits. If your body is retaining water then there has to be a clinical basis for it, which should be examined by your healthcare provider. The water in the body is usually controlled by different processes and the excess water is removed."

Diuretic food:

She goes on to inform us, which foods can flush out the water from the body, "There are many foods, which can cause excess water to be eliminated from the body and the top diuretic foods are:

Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol causes suppression of a hormone, which causes excess urination.

Caffeine: This is the other food substance that is a diuretic and is found in coffee, tea, and chocolates and can cause excess water loss through the kidneys.

If one is taking an excess of water soluble vitamins the body needs to get rid of these extra vitamins by expelling the excess water through the kidneys."

Diuretic and high blood pressure

Neelanjana also cautions us about diuretic food. She says, "These diuretic foods are not recommended in any situation and particularly if one wants to lose weight."


Knowledge will give you power, but character give you respect

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