Monday 18 June 2012

June 19, 2012 Clippings

Prevent diabetes with just a few lifestyle changes
Diabetes is a silent killer and is more dangerous than most people think it is. But making lifestyle changes can prevent type-2 diabetes, simply, effectively and cheaply, a new study says.
Diabetes is a chronic and complex disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood that arise due to problems with the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. It is usually caused by an inability to produce insulin (type 1) or an inability to respond correctly to insulin (type 2).
The study involved 230 people in poor, urban neighbourhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area cities. Contacted by phone about once a month, half of them received specific dietary guidance and other lifestyle counselling.
After six months, those who had received the counselling had on average lost more weight, were consuming less fat, were eating more fruits and vegetables and showed more improvements in lowering in their blood triglycerides, a key risk measure for type 2 diabetes, the American Journal of Public Health reported.
“Diabetes is not something you are necessarily going to get just because it runs in your family,” said Alka Kanaya, associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and senior study author. “It is very preventable, and lifestyle changes can really impact the onset of diabetes.”
“You can do something about it,” said Anita Stewart, professor at the UCSF Institute for Health & Aging and the Centre for Aging in Diverse Communities, senior study co-author, according to a university statement.
A major health concern in the US, diabetes of all types affect an estimated 8.3 percent of the U.S. population — some 25.8 million Americans — and cost U.S. taxpayers more than $200 billion annually.
Previous studies have shown that counselling and other lifestyle interventions are effective at preventing type 2 diabetes, but those interventions have generally been designed for clinical settings and include separate sessions with numerous health professionals.

Best time for birth of twins is 37 weeks
Twins born to women in the early birth group at 37 weeks were significantly less likely to be small for their gestational age, according to a new study. The advice is based on the world’s biggest study addressing the timing of birth for women who have an uncomplicated twin pregnancy. Studying 235 women in Australia, New Zealand and Italy, researchers found that babies born to women in the early birth group (37 weeks) were significantly less likely to be small for their gestational age compared with babies born to women in the standard care group (38 weeks or later), the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology reported.
Jodie Dodd, professor from the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Institute and the Women’s & Children’s Hospital, who led the study, said: “Infants of a twin pregnancy are recognised to be at risk of problems during pregnancy, particularly from a slowing of the rate of growth in one or both twins.” ”This slowing of the growth rate can result in low birth weight, which is associated with an increased need for care in the neonatal nursery in the short term and increased risk of health problems in later life, including heart disease and diabetes. There is also the risk of one or both twins being stillborn.
“This is why we’ve taken such a great interest in the optimal time for twins’ birth. We found that at 37 weeks, elective birth is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of serious morbidity for infants, without increasing complications related to immaturity or induction of labour,” said Dodd. Dodd says there has been a lot of uncertainty in clinical practice about the optimal time for twins’ birth.
“We hope this study will help clinicians to make recommendations to women with healthy twin pregnancies that lead to less complications at birth, and therefore lead to happier, healthier lives for their babies,” added Dodd.

Are you prepared for rains?
Monsoon is the most enthralling season of them all, with the rain showers giving everything a sparkling clean look and feel.
However, it is also a season where infections spread very easily. With torrential downpours and floods followed by phases of intense humidity and sunshine, we are much more susceptible to diseases.
This makes it essential to take precautions in every facet of life. From the food consumed to the products that keep us clean and healthy to the items that keep us looking smart, everything has to be selected keeping this aspect in mind.
The food items need to be healthy yet appetizing and packed in a way that the moisture cannot penetrate. Bathing gels and body washes, shampoos and conditioners, hair oils and colouring agents, every single item has to be designed to tackle monsoon conditions. Even deodarants, perfumes, anti-ageing products, acne treatment options, hair fall remedies, the entire spectrum of items used on a day-to-day basis must be rain ready.
The reality is that you can love it or hate it, but there is no way to ignore a Mumbai monsoon. Amidst the concrete jungle, lush foliage becomes visible overnight, washed clean by the initial showers. There is a certain joy in sitting by the window and watching the city get a makeover while sipping hot ginger tea or soup to ward off the chill.
Obviously, to ensure good health these are months when raincoats and water-resistant jackets should score over the dictates of fashion. Suddenly there's a scramble for umbrellas and all-weather shoes.  Waterproof bags should replace jute and denim variants while the enclosed interiors of malls are better option than gardens and newspaper stands as meeting points.
Water logging results in longer road commutes while delayed trains add to the uncertainty of when one would eventually reach home. But then that too has a special charm of its own and that's what a Mumbai monsoon is all about, isn't it? So ensure that you take all necessary precautions to avoid infections. Keep water bottles and some snacks handy in case monsoon floods extend your commute from a few minutes to a few hours.
Children look forward to schools being cancelled and pray for the heavy rains to continue all night whereas the college crowd assembles at the canteen regardless of what the weatherman predicts. In both cases, it's important to ensure that they get hot, nourishing food and change into dry clothes on reaching home if they have been drenched in the rains on the way.
Get ready for the rains because what we have experienced so far are only pre-monsoon showers. When the monsoon begins in earnest, it makes sense to be prepared for it.

The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you

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