Thursday 10 October 2024

Drinking 3 litres of water but still feeling exhausted? Here’s how to have water at the right time


As we all know, water prevents dehydration, helps regulate your body temperature and blood pressure, lubricates your joints, keeps your spine in fine fettle and rids the body of waste and toxins. (Representational)

We are often told to consume about three litres of water every day. However, spacing out this amount throughout the day is more important for your body to function optimally. As we all know, water prevents dehydration, helps regulate your body temperature and blood pressure, lubricates your joints, keeps your spine in fine fettle and rids the body of waste and toxins.


Men: Approximately 3.7 litres (or about 13 cups) per day.

Women: Approximately 2.7 litres (or about 9 cups) per day.

This includes all fluids consumed, not just water.


Activity Level: Increased physical activity raises water needs.

Climate: Hot or humid weather can lead to increased perspiration.

Health Status: Conditions like fever or diarrhoea require additional fluid intake.


To maximise hydration benefits, consider the following strategies for spacing your water intake throughout the day:

Morning Hydration: Start your day with a glass of water upon waking. This helps to rehydrate your body after several hours of sleep and wash out toxins.

Regular Intervals: Aim to drink water at regular intervals rather than consuming large amounts at once. A good practice is to drink a glass of water every hour.

Use reminders: Set app alerts to prompt you to drink water throughout the day.

Pre-Meal Consumption: Drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before meals. This not only aids digestion but can also help control hunger, preventing you from overeating and helping in weight management.

During Meals: Sipping water during meals can aid digestion but avoid excessive consumption as it may dilute digestive enzymes. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

Before a bath: Drink one glass of water before taking a bath to help lower your blood pressure.

Post-Exercise Hydration: After physical activity, replenish lost fluids by drinking water or electrolyte-rich beverages.

Evening Routine: Limit water intake in the evening to avoid disruptions in sleep due to nighttime bathroom visits but ensure you are adequately hydrated throughout the day.

Before sleep: Drink one glass of water an hour before bedtime to replenish any fluid loss that can occur during the night.


Monitoring your hydration status is crucial. Common signs of dehydration include thirst, dark yellow urine, fatigue, dizziness and dry mouth. If you experience these symptoms, increase your fluid intake promptly.


During Exercise: Drink water before, during, and after exercise. For prolonged activities (over an hour), consider electrolyte drinks.

In Hot Weather: Increase fluid intake in hot conditions or when engaging in outdoor activities to compensate for increased sweat loss.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should increase their fluid intake to support their own health and that of their baby.

Here is a fun fact: Almost three-fourths of your brain contains fluid, so if you are dehydrated, blood vessels in this organ shrink. That’s why you feel listless, have a lack of focus and stamina.


Wednesday 18 September 2024

Are dark chocolate, cinnamon, coffee and green tea enough to reduce blood sugar?


These days the internet is full of theories about how bitter polyphenols — the kind you find in dark chocolate, cinnamon, cloves, basil, coffee and green tea as well as in some fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds — can lower the risk of diabetes. The logic goes that they reactivate taste receptors not only in the mouth but the gut. These in turn trigger secretion of hormones that may help lower a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity.

At first glance, the association between bitter polyphenols and improved metabolic health might seem compelling. After all, these compounds have been shown to have various beneficial effects in other contexts. However, attributing a straightforward, guaranteed diabetes prevention capability to them oversimplifies a complex issue.

Polyphenols or plant micro-nutrients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and potential metabolic effects. Bitter polyphenols, like those found in bitter melon, have been studied for their effects on blood glucose regulation. Some research indicates that these compounds may influence glucose metabolism by enhancing insulin sensitivity or modulating carbohydrate digestion. For instance, bitter melon contains compounds like charantin and polypeptides that may mimic insulin action or affect glucose uptake. However, these effects have been observed in controlled laboratory settings and animal models, with mixed results in human studies.

Clinical trials investigating the impact of bitter polyphenols on diabetes risk are limited and often yield inconclusive results. While some studies have demonstrated potential benefits, the evidence is not robust enough to conclusively state that bitter polyphenols alone can significantly reduce diabetes risk.

The impact of any single nutrient or food component on diabetes risk cannot be isolated from an individual’s overall dietary pattern and lifestyle. A diet rich in various polyphenol-containing foods is associated with better metabolic health. But that’s because these foods are also nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich.

Besides, genetic and environmental factors contribute to individual responses to dietary interventions. What works for one person might not work for another, and the effectiveness of polyphenols in diabetes prevention can vary based on genetic predispositions and lifestyle factors.

Of the polyphenols that work for diabetes and obesity are curcumin, found in turmeric, resveratrol, which is found in grapes, peanuts and berries, quercetin, which is found in onions, catechin, which is found in cocoa and green tea.

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While incorporating bitter polyphenol-rich foods into a balanced diet can be part of a healthy lifestyle, relying solely on these foods as a preventive measure against diabetes is not advisable. A comprehensive approach to diabetes prevention includes maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, and consuming a diverse range of nutrients from various food sources.


Friday 30 August 2024

How blood sugar myths are harming you: What you need to know about diagnosis truths

 Written by Dr. Ambrish Mithal


Over the past few months, social media has been flooded by new information about the diagnosis of diabetes that runs contrary to science. Many people believe in these fake unscientific forwards on their phone and end up damaging their health.

What’s floating online?

Most of these so-called experts claim the following:

1. The criteria for diagnosis of diabetes has been altered frequently in recent years.

2. These alterations have reduced the threshold level of blood sugar used to diagnose diabetes.

3. Reduction in diagnostic levels leads to millions of additional people being labelled as diabetics.

4. These changes are decided upon by a few ‘wise’ men seated on a table according to their whims, based on random parameters.

5. More people being diagnosed with diabetes means more will require medication.

6. All experts who are involved in this decision making are hand-in-glove with drug manufacturers. So ultimately the process is driven by the pharmaceutical industry so that they can make billions of dollars.

Are these allegations true?

In 1979, the WHO formally defined diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus based primarily on plasma glucose levels — fasting plasma glucose more than or equal to 140 mg/dl, and a two-hour post-glucose value more than 200 mg/dl.

In 1997, the threshold for fasting plasma glucose was lowered to 126 mg/dl by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). The post-glucose cut-off of 200 mg/dl was retained. The 1997 changes in the diagnostic criteria for diabetes were influenced by studies which provided evidence that levels between 126 and 140 mg/dl were also associated with an increased risk of diabetes-related complications, supporting the need for lower diagnostic thresholds for diabetes.

The diagnostic criteria for diabetes have not changed since 1997.

What about prediabetes?

The 1979 WHO criteria recognised impaired glucose tolerance as a post-glucose value between 140 and 199 mg/dl. This is the same as we use today. The major change in 1997 was the inclusion of a category called impaired fasting glucose — fasting glucose values between 110 and 125 mg/dl. In 2003, the ADA further lowered the fasting glucose criterion to 100 mg/dl. Some studies showed that individuals with fasting glucose levels between 100 and 109 mg/dL were also at a higher risk of progressing to Type 2 diabetes. Additional research indicated that fasting glucose levels in the range of 100 to 109 mg/dL were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the WHO continued to use a fasting level of 110 mg/dl as a cut-off.

 Glucose Testing and Interpretation

Since then the cut-offs for fasting plasma glucose and oral glucose tolerance tests have remained the same with the only change being HbA1c (average blood sugar counts of three months) included in 2009. An HbA1c level of 6.5 per cent or more is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus. Levels between 5.7 to 6.4 per cent indicate prediabetes.

The importance of prediabetes lies in the risk of its conversion to diabetes or possible remission. In India 60 per cent of those with prediabetes convert to diabetes in five years. Initiatives like the Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme (IDPP) have demonstrated that lifestyle interventions can reduce the risk of progression to diabetes by about 28-35 per cent. Medications are used for a minuscule number of people with prediabetes. The last change in diagnostic criteria in 2003 added a large number of people to the pool of prediabetes so that people could recognise their risk and initiate lifestyle changes.

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The increase in diabetes prevalence is real and not because of changed criteria. Consult a qualified practitioner.

Monday 19 August 2024

Heart attack among techies in 30s: How overwork, 70-hour week and stress can damage your heart


Cardiologist explains risk factors among Bengaluru’s techies between 20 and 35.

Over time that damages the heart, and even accelerates levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Just the other day, a 33-year-old executive, came to the emergency in the evening as he suffered a heart attack. I had to do an emergency stenting in all three of his arteries which were blocked well over 90 per cent. He worked from home but rarely detached himself from his laptop, logging in at 7 am and logging out at 8 pm. Then he took a 10-minute break and living alone, ordered food almost every day. He would have his dinner by 9.30 pm, would enjoy a smoke or drink occasionally, take work or personal calls and sleep by 11 pm.

I recount this story to highlight how punishing 12-hour work days (assuming there is one weekly off) to meet the 70-hour work week rule being advocated by the likes of Infosys founder Narayana Murthy and now OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal can cost the body. The young executive’s life is a perfect example of how a decade of long sedentary work hours, with the stress of delivery deadlines that left little time for him to unwind, amplified moderate risks or underlying conditions faster. Remember the young man slept the requisite hours but being on a wire during the most productive decade of his life, had poor sleep quality.

I admitted another young patient with a blood pressure of 200/115 mmHg, without him feeling it (young people generally do not feel symptoms of elevated blood pressure). He did sports with a friend on weekends but that wasn’t enough to offset his high-stress 14-hour five day week.


Most of my patients are from the tech park in Bengaluru’s Whitefield, between 20 and 35. All of them have a similar work profile — no less than 12-hour workdays or long night shifts, emergency duties, two hours of commute time through congested roads and crunching sleep, family time and recreation in about an eight to ten-hour window, often interrupted by work calls. Zero physical activity.

The body is clearly in a prolonged adrenaline rush because of too much stress and demands made on it. Excess adrenaline constricts the arteries that supply the heart with blood, reducing blood flow, hastening plaque buildup and inflammation. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol cause the heart to beat faster, elevating blood pressure in the process. Over time that damages the heart, and even accelerates levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. No exercise means weight gain.

Chronic stress results in irregular heart rhythms, which can cause blood to pool in the left atrial chamber of the heart, contributing to clot formation. The clot can then travel from the heart to the brain and result in a stroke.

For those with underlying conditions like diabetes, cholesterol or with a family history, even short-term stress can dislodge plaques from the arteries it narrows down, resulting in a blood clot that, in its attempt to repair the torn wall of the arteries, could grow large enough to block blood flow completely and cause a heart attack. During angioplasty procedures among the young, I have often found that the plaque may not have been big enough but the stress-induced thickness of the blood has led to quicker clot formation.


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A Lancet study has shown that individuals who worked more than 55 hours per week had a 13 per cent increased risk of developing heart disease compared to those who worked standard hours.Smoking and alcohol are other stressors and can accelerate triggers even with limited use. So lifestyle correction — diet, sleep and exercise — are a must. If prescribed medication, strictly go by your doctor’s advisory.


Friday 19 July 2024

Heart attack among techies in 30s: How overwork, 70-hour week and stress can damage your heart


Over time that damages the heart, and even accelerates levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Just the other day, a 33-year-old executive, came to the emergency in the evening as he suffered a heart attack. I had to do an emergency stenting in all three of his arteries which were blocked well over 90 per cent. He worked from home but rarely detached himself from his laptop, logging in at 7 am and logging out at 8 pm. Then he took a 10-minute break and living alone, ordered food almost every day. He would have his dinner by 9.30 pm, would enjoy a smoke or drink occasionally, take work or personal calls and sleep by 11 pm.

I recount this story to highlight how punishing 12-hour work days (assuming there is one weekly off) to meet the 70-hour work week rule being advocated by the likes of Infosys founder Narayana Murthy and now OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal can cost the body. The young executive’s life is a perfect example of how a decade of long sedentary work hours, with the stress of delivery deadlines that left little time for him to unwind, amplified moderate risks or underlying conditions faster. Remember the young man slept the requisite hours but being on a wire during the most productive decade of his life, had poor sleep quality.

I admitted another young patient with a blood pressure of 200/115 mmHg, without him feeling it (young people generally do not feel symptoms of elevated blood pressure). He did sports with a friend on weekends but that wasn’t enough to offset his high-stress 14-hour five day week.


Most of my patients are from the tech park in Bengaluru’s Whitefield, between 20 and 35. All of them have a similar work profile — no less than 12-hour workdays or long night shifts, emergency duties, two hours of commute time through congested roads and crunching sleep, family time and recreation in about an eight to ten-hour window, often interrupted by work calls. Zero physical activity.

The body is clearly in a prolonged adrenaline rush because of too much stress and demands made on it. Excess adrenaline constricts the arteries that supply the heart with blood, reducing blood flow, hastening plaque buildup and inflammation. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol cause the heart to beat faster, elevating blood pressure in the process. Over time that damages the heart, and even accelerates levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. No exercise means weight gain.

Chronic stress results in irregular heart rhythms, which can cause blood to pool in the left atrial chamber of the heart, contributing to clot formation. The clot can then travel from the heart to the brain and result in a stroke.

For those with underlying conditions like diabetes, cholesterol or with a family history, even short-term stress can dislodge plaques from the arteries it narrows down, resulting in a blood clot that, in its attempt to repair the torn wall of the arteries, could grow large enough to block blood flow completely and cause a heart attack. During angioplasty procedures among the young, I have often found that the plaque may not have been big enough but the stress-induced thickness of the blood has led to quicker clot formation.


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A Lancet study has shown that individuals who worked more than 55 hours per week had a 13 per cent increased risk of developing heart disease compared to those who worked standard hours.Smoking and alcohol are other stressors and can accelerate triggers even with limited use. So lifestyle correction — diet, sleep and exercise — are a must. If prescribed medication, strictly go by your doctor’s advisory.


Friday 28 June 2024

Is your heartbeat racing during walking? Know what it means for your heart health


Dr. T S Kler warns that rapid heartbeats, chest pain, nausea, and shortness of breath while walking may indicate heart issues.

Many may not know this but if your heartbeats race or you experience some discomfort while walking, it could be a fairly good indication of the status of your heart health.

What one has to watch out for is if the rapid heartbeats linger long enough, happen frequently and are accompanied by chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating and anxiety.

What are signs to watch out for during walking?

If you get chest pain, particularly behind the sternum, left or right side of the chest, left arm or right arm, jaw, a nagging discomfort between the scapula (shoulder blade) and the back, fluttering heartbeat or a tightness while walking – all of which vanish when you stop moving – then you possibly have a blockage in your coronary artery.

If you’re able to do brisk walking, which is classified as a moderate-intensity physical activity, without chest pain, palpitations or tightness or difficulty breathing, this means that your heart is normally supplying your body with the oxygenated blood it needs.

What to make of palpitations?

Sometimes you may develop palpitation, have a rapid heartbeat and an increased heart rate while doing even mild activities like walking. That could mean either of two things. First, it could be that you have been leading a sedentary life and your body has not yet acclimatised itself to exercise. So your heart has to work more to produce the same result. But sometimes palpitations can happen in an active person too when there is narrowing of the aortic valve. You could have rapid fluttering heartbeats, difficulty walking short distances and maybe unable to do activities you once did. This could mean that some damage has already happened.

What about breathlessness during walking and talking?

This is a dual activity and hence more energy is required. Talking interferes with your respiratory processes when you are walking simultaneously. This doesn’t always indicate heart disease.

What is palpitation at rest?

The normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Lower is even better because it indicates your heart muscle is in good condition and doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood. Usually, athletes with a disciplined physical activity routine have a low resting heart rate. But if the resting heart rate is higher, you would feel exhausted before completing regular activities. This could be a sign of heart disease such as heart failure or leaking heart valves.

What should you do when the above signs show up?

I would advise consulting a cardiologist immediately and not wait for the symptoms to go away or dismiss them as nothing. Also, do the tests as advised. These could include an electrocardiogram, Holter monitoring, echocardiogram or a CT scan. Once the heart problem is identified, then the cardiologist will suggest the best intervention. After that the patient can get back to exercising according to customised protocols for cardiac rehabilitation.


Friday 24 May 2024

How much fibre should you ideally have in a day?


Consuming an excessive amount of fibre can trigger a series of uncomfortable reactions within your body

Fiber is a dietary hero, but can too much cause discomfort?

Fibre is a dietary superstar, lauded for its role in digestive health, blood sugar control, and even cancer prevention. However, as with most things in life, moderation is key.

G Sushma, Clinical Dietician at CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, explained what happens when you overdo your fibre intake.

The discomfort zone

“Consuming excessive fibre can trigger a series of uncomfortable reactions within your body,” said Sushma. When you overload your system with fibre, it struggles to keep up with processing all that bulk. This can lead to a trio of unpleasant digestive issues: bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Essentially, you’re giving your digestive system more work than it can handle, leading to disruptions in your normal bowel movements.

 “While fibre is undoubtedly beneficial for health, consuming excessive amounts can have negative consequences,” cautions Sushma. Overdoing it can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. These issues arise because fibre bulks up stool, and when there’s too much, it can strain your digestive system.

 Overdoing it can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

How much fibre should you eat?

The ideal amount of fibre varies depending on factors like age, gender, and calorie intake. However, Sushma recommended a general guideline of 25-30 grams of fibre per day for adults. This amount provides health benefits without overwhelming your digestive system. Remember, exceeding this recommendation can lead to unwanted side effects.

While excessive fibre can cause discomfort, getting it right offers a wealth of health benefits. Here are some key reasons to include fibre in your diet:

Digestive Champion: Fibre is essential for a healthy digestive system. It regulates bowel movements, preventing constipation and promoting regularity.

Blood Sugar Guardian: Fibre helps manage blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing those unwanted spikes and crashes.

Cholesterol Fighter: A high-fibre diet can lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Cancer Risk Reduction: Studies suggest a link between a high-fibre diet and a decreased risk of certain cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.

Feeling Full, Staying Satisfied: Fibre contributes to a feeling of fullness and satiety, helping you curb unhealthy calorie intake and manage weight.

Sushma emphasised the importance of hydration alongside a high-fibre diet. “Insufficient fluid intake can exacerbate these symptoms and potentially lead to bowel obstruction in severe cases.” To support optimal digestion and well-being, ensure you drink plenty of fluids when increasing your fibre intake.

By understanding the benefits and potential downsides of fibre, you can find your personal sweet spot and reap the rewards of a balanced, fibre-rich diet.